The SBR System

Sand Bedding Recovery System

The SLR System

Sand Lane Recovery System

Rundown Screen

Fibre Separation

Nutrient Removal

Nutrient Removal and Water Reuse

dairy cows bedded on sand
Sand Separation Systems Logo

Sand Separation Systems LTD

UK Designed and Built Sand Slurry Separation System for UK Farmers

We are Sand Separation Systems, a UK based company committed to bringing you innovative products designed, manufactured and technically supported from our facility based in Monmouthshire, South Wales.

Sand is considered the “Gold Standard” for bedding cows, however unless fully recovered it takes up volume in your slurry lagoon/storage tank, its difficult to move and dramatically increases wear on your slurry handling system. Our sand separation systems are designed to separate sand from sand laden slurry for reuse as clean bedding.

Why recover your sand?

Richard from Sand Separation Systems in the UK

Why Choose Sand Separation Systems?

Designed for UK Farmers

Specifically to recover the fine sand

Manufactured in the UK

Designed, built and supported by a UK Company

Promotes Sustainability

Sand is the second most scarce resource worldwide after water

Cost Savings

Reduces the cost of sand, amount of slurry storage required, disposal of sand laden slurry